Categories: FloridaFundingIn the SouthStartup Lessons

Startup Capital Podcast: Life After Revenue

“How do you balance earning money from customers versus raising money from investors? What resources have you leveraged to get ahead? What are the strategies that put you on the road to success?”

As a budding entrepreneur, wouldn’t you love to be able to ask these questions to a mid-stage startup? Well, we went ahead and did that for you. Whether you’re selling clothes, building software or doing anything, really, it helps to learn from those who’ve come before you.

That’s why we spoke with DivvyUp Socks and FullScaleNano, two Tallahassee startups who’ve survived incubation and are now ready to scale.

Topics of discussion include building the right team, getting connected with the right network, and achieving the right balance of focus between investors and revenue. Since one of these startups is bootstrapped, and the other has successfully raised a seed fund from investors (we’ll let you figure out which is which), the lessons in this episode of Startup Capital should be applicable to anyone.

Our host Lucas Lindsey of Domi Station interviewed FullScaleNano CEO Jodi Chase, and DivvyUp’s Mitch Nelson and Jason McIntosh about the decisions that helped them get to where they are today.

This podcast was brought to you by Cuttlesoft, the idea-driven developers. To find the rest of the Startup Capital interviews online, visit www.cuttlesoft.com/startup-capital.

Nicholas Farrell
Nicholas Farrell: Before he even graduated from Florida State University, Nicholas was a digital media publisher specializing in blogging, content marketing and web design. Now he's also director of communications for Cuttlesoft. He likes technology, cycling, podcasts, craft beer and black coffee.